The Basis for Gospel Basics


Gospel Basics


“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God...”  (Hebrews 5:12)


According to a recent ABC poll, 89% of Americans (267 million) claim to believe in God, yet 66% of those (200 million) doubt that they will ever get to heaven!  Up to 94% of high school students stop attending church after graduating because of biblical challenges and stagnation of their faith.  Over 50% of all weekly churchgoers are not Christian!  Christians are not mature in their faith because many professing Christians do not even know the basics of their faith.  Like fire tests gold and silver, God commands us to test ourselves daily (2 Corinthians 13:5) to be sure that our heart is right with Him and that we can defend and articulate our faith.  Testing our faith is essentially getting back to the basics and building for ourselves a strong foundation.

This is the basis for Gospel Basics.

Every year professional athletes attend training camp to get back to the basics of their particular sport.  Regardless of their previous successes, they review the fundamentals (hitting, fielding, base-running, blocking, tackling, special teams, etc.) of their profession to ensure that they have a solid foundation in which to excel.  Most games are won or lost because of a lapse in a basic skill.  These are professional athletes making millions of dollars, yet they go back to the basics every year and before every game.  They hone their skills to ensure that they are foundationally sound so that the game to them becomes second nature.

This is what God is asking each of us to do as well; get back to the basics of the Christian faith to be sure that we are biblically sound.  Most parents and churches are failing in this area!  Getting back to the basics and building a strong biblical foundation helps us in many ways: 

  • It helps us become closer to God and grow in our faith
  • It helps us biblically resist the temptations from the devil and non-believers

  • It helps us to weather the storms of life

  • It helps us to faithfully share and defend our faith

  • It helps us to be assured of our salvation

The most important thing you can do in this lifetime is to insure where you will be spending the next.  Let’s get back to the basics of the Christian faith by knowing and understanding the Gospel.

A Great Mystery - The Sealed Little Book

 This Sealed Little Book is a great mystery that has been hidden through all centuries but has been revealed by 20th century technology and science. 

 The Sealed Little Book: Messenger of Good News!

Wow, I Want What They Have!: Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above "For Better or Worse"

Dearest In Christ

Hope that you are doing great!

I wanted to take the time to share a wonderful new book release with you. Wow! I Want What They Have! written by Pastor K. Bruce Brown.  This is truly a must-read life-changing book for everyone

We cannot relate to a spirit God, a spirit Savior, a spirit Uncle, and a spirit enemy without embracing the spirit world. This book coined the phrase "Earth-life Bias" [ELB] to identify the enemy's work in our daily lives and illustrate how most believers just add our Abba Father as an accessory to this life instead of becoming citizens of Heaven and members of his Family.

This book illustrates how pervasive ELB is in every aspect of our lives without criticizing any person, organization, or denomination. They all serve our Abba Father’s purpose and all have Romans 10 in their Holy Bibles which shows us how to avoid the fiery pit. The rest of the Scripture is about our relationships. Esoteric knowledge of the Scripture is for scholars, we need to apply it to our lives.
After revealing the ELB in our lives, we explain how to escape it by embracing the supernatural divine spirit world and how the “godly control system,” the heart, mind, spirit, and soul connection with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and our Abba Father works. With that foundation, we show how to build our faith, relationships, and marriages, converting “for better or worse” to sanctified marriage with vows to our Abba Father to do it his way.

There is also a section on Daniel that brings our Abba Father into modern times, explains what is taking Jesus so long to get here, and answers a lot of questions about end times. This section is work but it is a giant faith builder, as you will see.

But regardless of where we worship, we are individually responsible for own relationship with our Abba Father and this book will help any believer grow their faith and experience the full joy, peace, and glory our Abba Father created for us.

Wow, I Want What They Have!: Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above "For Better or Worse"

America at War 2024-2026 The Sons of Light vs The Sons of Darkness

 Dearest in Christ,

I wanted to take the time to let you know about a new book release that is on the horizon. The book is titled America at War 2024-2026 and is written by Multi-Published Christian Author Mark Biltz. This is definitely a book to watch for, especially with what we have been and are continuing to see unfolding with Israel, the Middle East, and our world at large.

In Genesis God declares that He created the sun and the moon for signs. On April 8, 2024, is the Great American Eclipse that crosses over the United States on the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (Passover). This was the same first day of the three days of darkness that occurred during the original plagues in Egypt. This solar eclipse is a HEAVENLY sign from the Creator which will be the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam - Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, the Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and, some of which, are already attacking US soldiers and facilities in Iraq and Syria almost daily. In this book you'll find every Shemitah Cycle and Jubilee Cycle from the Creation of the World until today. You'll see the timing of major biblical and important historical events.

Pre-Order Now, No Payment Required At This Time

Finding The Keys To A Life In Christ

A Wonderful life-changing must-read book. Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles by Dr. Oladapo OsuntoKun, a pastor and psychiatrist, has seen many afflicted by mental and emotional struggles. 

Dr. Oladapo understands people's troubles and has written a practical self-help guide to help one make sense of life’s maladies, thus offering wisdom, to include practical solutions based on years of experience, coupled with a Christian background. This wonderful book uplifts the readers to help them in their time of need. Ultimately, the author leads readers to the “real truth” in life stating, “His name is Jesus.” Within this book, he offers keys to spiritual life in overcoming that include perspective, prayer, and meditation.  

As the author states, “There is no growth without obstacles,” and that “adversities are common,” this self-guide is written with great compassion. Knowing the plethora of human struggles that can take place in one’s life, the author also relates that darkness and hopelessness can plague the mind and soul of an individual, especially wherein one feels isolated with no one to help or talk to. Reading this book is like consulting a caring friend and finding the help one needs in various areas of life, which are all common to mankind.

Giving readers a “how to” achieve “spiritual and mental clarity”, while also addressing practical solutions, and “steps to overcome challenges,” this book is laid out easily, double-spaced with powerful statements. Each sentence has a way of sinking in while reading with this format (instead of paragraphs) that is utilized. The author has created a book with the overall goal of managing daily stress and mental positivity while trusting Jesus and participating in daily Christian disciplines such as prayer; again, his book is extremely practical. 

Specific issues such as jealousy, betrayal, sorrow, resentment, despair, depression, drug, and alcohol use, stressed, or feeling “stuck”, regret, defeat, and failure produce a true self-help guide. Discovering who you are and taming emotions, along with perspective and the inner thought life of a person fosters maturity and transformation. The keys to a positive outlook on life with the aid of functioning as a Christian, seeking Jesus, helps one become “resilient” through life’s trials.

He states, “A real knockdown” can lead to “pin-down” wherein the person is unable to arise; this is where morals, values, and character come into play. One can learn to navigate their response to unannounced calamity. How one responds is key. He continues to give the keys through each chapter that bring maturity and build character. He encourages readers to “Always think positively, the next adversity may contain the path to your success.” Failure, hardship, disappointments, and discouragements are not the end of your story, but can be flipped to a future one may never have imagined. His message is clear: It is not the end when facing adversity.

The “Take Home Summary” at the end of each chapter is especially helpful, as the author encourages readers to keep close to God, keep peace in their heart and mind, as one hears from Jesus and the Word of God for relief, strategies, and solutions.

This book comes as a highly recommended read for those that find living in this world feels more like a battlefield! This author has put a great deal of work into writing a self-help guide that includes many issues that no one on this planet has escaped. Real, practical, uplifting, encouraging, and full of sound wisdom backed by the Biblical wisdom found in Scripture bring much hope to readers. Surely, this book helps one to become a champion in life and leads to a positive mindset that is achievable.

Surely, this book can be of much use to pastors, missionaries, parents, and the next generation as they mature into adults, giving many the tools and keys to unlocking their destinies in life.

Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles
By: Dr. Oladapo Richard Osuntokun
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

or in Kindle as a download.

Pastor Louise Clayton On The Subject of Children

 The Importance Of Raising Children God's Way

Pastor Louise draws upon Scripture and her own experiences as a mother and grandmother to teach how to raise our children in a Godly fashion. 

In today's world where children are distracted and drawn away from the Church and Christian principles, especially the intensely secular world of public education, the IT universe (think of cell phones used by children ten to twelve hours a day), and the emphasis on pleasing one's self, she takes us to the Bible for the lessons that transcend time and history, related to truth, honesty, self-sacrifice, obedience (especially to parents!), and, ultimately, to God and Jesus for answers on how to live.

For more great videos and ministry visit Louise Clayton at Lawrence Clayton on YouTube. You can also visit Louise at Bible Studies With Louise Clayton

Available In Kindle As A Download

A Must Read - Gregory A. Booker combines 2 of his past books, Seven Letters and Inspired Writings of a Prophet for Jesus the Christ into one book for better understanding of the author’s position, his mission and mandate, but more importantly to prepare the Church for these prophetic End Times that we are living in. 

Many have questions about where we are in this upside-down world. In this book you will find an easy format of 7 chapters “detailing”  7 Letters of inspirational writings inspired by the Holy Spirit that will become a vision and experience. They are not meant to replace the 7 Letters in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, as the author clearly states. He also encourages reader to “test the spirit” as the Bible speaks of to test that his writings are true to sound Biblical doctrine and teaching. 

Each letter contains “key scriptures” in which he gives a study and commentary of such insights that bring understanding to each chapter. Fascinating and intriguing the author gives an overview of each letter coupled with prophetic signs and current events, all culminating in the glorious return of Christ. With such chapters as: The Necessity of the Return of God’s Chosen People, Prophecy is Alive and Well and Israel is the Key, The Paradox of the Seventieth Week of Daniel, Ten-horned Kingdom Led by the Anti-Christ, Who is Mystery Babylon? Israel Promised Redemption and the Tribulation Saints, and The Christ and His Glorious Appearance. These are exciting times, yet if you are not a believer, you will be coming upon confusing times. The book encourages all to know and believe in Jesus, the Christ. He is coming and He is coming soon! 

Don’t miss this book! This is a prophetic book for the times we live in that is well-researched and written by someone who has studied the Word of God in great detail – offering us keen prophetic insight, so that all may be prepared and inspired during these turbulent times in history. 

This is a must-read book for ALL! A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0+stars

Does God Exist? What Do You Believe?

A Highly Recommended Must Read Book - J. Bernard Taylor in his new book, Believing in God and Acting as if He Exists: A Response to Christian Athesism, takes a stand against a recent movement in the religious community known as Christian Atheism. These people do not believe in God, as the author states, yet conduct their lives as if God does exist. They may partake in the teachings of Christ, yet deny the existence of a God. Better known as “Practical Atheism” this philosophy is sweeping through Christian communities. 

His book provides encouragement and insight that explains a dual battle taking place among some Christian believers, resulting in a practical unbelief. As a 98-year-old retired pastor and one with a D.Min. degree, as well as being a WWII and D-Day Veteran, J. Bernard gives encouragement and much wisdom to practically live as God does truly exist. This is a better way to live.

Beginning with choosing life, the author helps one come to the understanding and knowledge from a Biblical and life perspective of “why” choosing God and His ways are a better choice for life. Full of Scripture with an interactive experience consisting of pertinent questions and prayers at the end of chapters, this read becomes more of a life application and guidebook.

With a full spectrum of not only the Good News of the Gospel, the author highlights God’s plan for peace in one’s life, along with giving advice on how to resist temptation and how to live a fulfilling Christian life. Sound Biblical teachings and Kingdom principles are written in a practical way that will help one assimilate Biblical living into their everyday life. One will also come to learn that becoming Christlike in character is obedience to the ways of Christ. 

With that said, this book is not a theological book, but describes through life experiences and choices, God’s way of life with Jesus is a better choice. Poignant questions also assist readers in reflection upon Scripture and their own life and perspectives that bring understanding and belief that God does in fact exist. He relates that living a life without God is futile. His book describes that a false belief in Christian Atheism and Practical Atheism is a poor substitute for the truth.

Similarly, one can look at how God works through life experiences. His book keenly states the differences of living in God versus only following the teachings of Christ without the saving transformation of believing upon Jesus Christ. He writes that God matters in everyday life. Further, he teaches that living a life being spiritually transformed reaches every area of our lives, to include how we conduct ourselves in the world, the Church, and in our relationships, even at work and every other aspect of life we may encounter.

Uplifting, insightful and full of Biblical wisdom, this practical book gives one the tools to keep believing in God and act as if He does exist that foster a richer and more content lifestyle with joy and happiness, knowing that God is with you and does exist.

Considering the apathy and Practical Atheism that is sweeping through churches and affecting the youth, this book is a truly valuable resource.  A wonderful and highly recommended read!

Believing in God and Acting as if He Exists:
A Response to Christian Athesism
By: J. Bernard Taylor
CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Get your copy of Believing in God and Acting as if He Exists: A Response to Christian Athesism at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Giving Honor and Glory to the One Who Died For All

Book Title: The Magi’s Man: A Shepherd’s Story
Written by: A.I. Wexler & Mark Cardona
CBM Christian Book Reviews
Highly Recommended - 10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

New Book Release - The Magi’s Man: A Shepherd’s Story by A.I. Wexler based on a concept by Mark Cordona, an exciting and unique look into the long-awaited birth of The Messiah and so much more! 

The Magi’s Man has been written to display the glory of The Son of God, The Father, and Christ’s sacrifice for humankind. His death on a cruel Roman cross displays His great love for all humanity and the arrival of The Holy Spirit completes the New Covenant. Readers will not be disappointed with the content and deep symbolism, giving honor and glory to the One Who died for all.

Eli, a shepherd from the tribe of Levi, witnesses the angelic announcement of the birth of The Savior in the sacred area of Bethlehem. After experiencing the awe-inspiring announcement, he is witness to the gifts and offerings when presented to the young Messiah. The treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from the Magi emphasizes the value of the child and Eli is ever faithful to honor his lifelong commitment recording events in the life of The Savior for the regal visitors.

Recounting the human side of the amazing birth, the author reminds readers that God worked and works through humble individuals. The author has woven a fictional account of Eli telling the Biblical story of the Savior’s life, giving full credence to scriptural concepts and principles. This personal presentation of the incredible birth and life of Messiah brings the glory of Heaven and Yeshua (Jesus), the Jewish Messiah, into the forefront for all to read and enjoy.  

Each step and phase of Eli’s life unfolds the revelation of the Messiah, the promised King of Israel with a keen sense of detail. The author has a way of storytelling that seems to work into the reader’s soul. Filled with vivid descriptions, adventure, scriptural truths, and romance, one will discover the secrets of a well-kept clay encased scroll unveiled by Eli. The extraordinary parchment reveals wonderful facets in this gem of a story.

The Magi’s Man comes highly recommended and will quickly become a family favorite. It is a masterfully told epic tale of the mystery of the ages as revealed through the Bible and this telling of The Magi’s Man: A Shepherd’s Story will entertain and inspire. 

This should become a classic! You may get your copy of The Magi’s Man at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. For further information about the author and the book visit The Magi's Man or A Shepherd Story

A Powerful Read

Order your copy today! Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women has Inspirational Scriptures, Powerful Prayers, Meaningful Positive Affirmations, and Dynamic Images to get your days starting joyfully and your nights ending serenely.

Each morning and night contain a scripture, a prayer, a positive affirmation, and an image. Each page also has a place to write the date as you read and a place to write notes.

No scripture, prayer or positive affirmation is repeated. All the prayers and positive affirmations are unique to the scriptures that they’re with. You will not be bored reading this devotion. It’s different from any other devotion that you’ve read before. This is written in an interesting and engaging style to get you reading each morning and night without skipping a day.

This devotion starts from Day 1 and goes to Day 365. This means that you can start using this book at any time during the year. It’s not based on calendar year but rather YOUR year. This devotion will give you the chance to somewhat read the entire Bible, or at least get you close to doing that in 365 days.

This devotion tells the story of God and His agape love for His most beloved creation…us. This devotion is written to be read over the course of a year. However, if you find that you can’t wait to complete it over a year’s time, then go right ahead and read it how you want to read it. This devotion was written to assist you in living the best spiritual and temporal lives that you can. It was also written to make you enjoy reading the Bible and understand what it is about. This devotion is intriguing, fascinating, and a page-turner.

Once you’ve finished reading this devotion, you should understand who God is, why He did what He did for humanity, and what we need to do to be saved. Also, it tells what will happen to the heavens, to Earth and everything in it once God makes His appearance again to us.

This devotion is chronologically done, from before the beginning of creation unto the end of it. The entire story of the children of Israel is chronologically told from all the books of the Old Testament. The chronological story of Jesus Christ is also told. It also tells of the apostles who took over spreading the Gospel after Jesus left Earth. All the books of the New Testament are used to write about Jesus and His apostles. To make reading this devotion more interesting, suspenseful, and exciting, the story of the Israelites and the story of Jesus Christ are intertwined. However, they are still easy to follow.

Incorporating Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to help you deal with personal problems such as alcoholism, overeating, suicide, and rape. It also has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to deal with major life problems like racism and environmental issues. Additionally, it has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers about spiritual facts such as the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, why there is no mandatory tithing now, and baptism in Jesus’ name. There are also other personal lessons, life lessons, and spiritual lessons that are addressed to help you live the best temporal life and spiritual life that you can, so that you can have the best of both worlds.

This devotion is good for:
  • Women who want to improve and be a better version of themselves.
  • Women who are looking for a fun way of reading the Bible.
  • Women who are looking for a new devotion.
  • New believers.
  • Long-time Christians.
  • Former Christians.
  • Teenagers.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women is available at Amazon.

Hope For Those In Desperate Need

Highly recommended for those who are currently suffering with failing health (or other life storms), and are in need of hope and encouragement that is real and tangible. This is an amazing book borne out of the author’s own suffering that will surely bless others immensely!

Dr. Andy Laurie had a great life. He was living the American dream, happily married, four kids and two great careers. One as a board certified emergency room radiologist, and the other, as one of the pastors at The Bridge Christian Church. 

In When Skies Aren’t Blue, Dr. Andy Laurie shares his personal journey as a sudden and unexplainable illness brought dark clouds into his blue skies of life at the early age of thirty-nine. Following, he offers Ten Powerful Steps as prescriptions that present real hope amid those dark skies that tend to drift in without warning. With clear and an easy-to-understand Biblical teaching, coupled with prayers at the end of each step, he encourages readers to remain steadfast in hope, persevere, and hold onto their faith in a God - Who is near and real in times of trouble. 

Further shedding light on evil and sickness in our world, the author speaks candidly to all that are battling with failing health. His book offers fundamentals that teach and reveal not only the characteristics of God and our Heavenly Father as a good Father, yet he also highlights Satan and the role he plays upon this fallen world. His book presents simple truths of the Bible by helping readers understand that God is not causing sickness and thus, helps readers gain a healthy perspective. Satan is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Yet, there is hope to be found! Jesus Christ is our anchor of hope in this life and eternally. 

Dr. Laurie presents 10 powerful steps to victory. Each step is designed to point the reader to a God that is real and present, offering comfort, inspiration and scriptural insight bringing the absolute love and magnificence of God Almighty into the forefront. Dr. Andy Laurie states with unequivocal belief from the facts that God is real, He’s listening to you, and He cares for you. These 10 steps are powerful for life because they speak truth and give real help and hope for those in desperate need. 

Title: When Skies Aren’t Blue
A Physician’s Personal Journey
By: Dr. Andy Laurie
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of When Skies Aren’t Blue at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit When Skies Aren’t Blue for more information about the author, his book, and his ministry.

Christian Reading - New Book Release

This book is a vital must-read to all those who desire truth.

Rediscovering the Gospel describes Maurie Daigneau’s new book. He writes, “I did not write The Gospel You’ve Never Heard to intentionally repeat anything. I wrote it to clarify and to bring to light an understanding of the gospel that has been lost to the church and world for a very long time. It needs to be rediscovered. “…challenging, thought-provoking, and quite possibly deeply convicting” describe the author’s own sentiments about this book.

Readers will also find this book to be a powerful and transformational voice for the truth of the Gospel spoken from a compassionate and Biblical viewpoint. Different facets of what it is to understand and be obedient to Christ offers a deeper understanding of how and why the Gospel is fully relevant to one’s life, and not just in an eternal sense. Included at the end of each chapter are reflection questions for personal use and/or group Bible study.  

Blending his own life experiences, the author goes to great lengths to bring great understanding of exactly “what” this “Good News” means to all aspects of life, as he found the truth of relying on God as the “only Teacher.” With that, he dispels confusion and misconceptions, as he offers the overall “bigger picture” to bring clarity in a world that seems bent on violence, disobedience to God, and destruction. In short, he relays a message to all that is the basis of Proverbs 4:7: "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; and with all your acquiring, get understanding."

His purpose in writing the book is over his concern of the Biblical and spiritual decline that America finds itself. The author mentions the hypocrisy, coupled with the lack of preaching and understanding of the truth of the Gospel, that has led this country to a place that is far from obedience to Christ – even for those who call themselves Christians.

He also differentiates the Law, dying from the old-self (unregenerate and separated from God) to the Regenerate (Spirit-filled, set apart, new life in Christ), as the inner man that is set free from the captivity of sin. Christ’s sacrifice is wonderfully and easily explained through Scripture and apostle Paul’s teachings in Romans and Hebrews.

Author Maurie Daigneau expresses that living in the “Light” of God’s Kingdom and wisdom is to obey Christ’s commands. Phenomenal and written for “such a time as this” he calls all into a journey of rediscovering the true Gospel that will dramatically impact our daily lives, our family, our cities, nations, and the globe. Without pointing a finger, he speaks with great conviction, offering answers to some of life’s deepest questions while presenting truths of Scripture.

By: Maurie Daigneau
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

A highly recommended and impactful life-changing read!

You may get your copy of 
The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding That Will Change Your Life at Amazon and Kindle.